Welcome to the Virtual Worship Service page for First Baptist Church!
Our Worship Services are available to view in the window below at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
Click here to give online through Givelify.
Our Sunday Bulletins are available to view here.
Are you having problems connecting? Try refreshing this page using the “Reload” button on your browser or using Ctrl or Cmd + R on your keyboard. If the problem persists, access our service from one of our other platforms:
First Baptist Church on Facebook
First Baptist Church on YouTube
First Baptist Church on SoundCloud (Sunday services available at 5:00 p.m. on Sundays)
We also offer a re-broadcast of our Sunday Morning Worship Services by conference call on Sunday afternoons at 5:15 p.m. The toll-free call-in number is (727) 731-0898.