Operation InAsMuch is a churchwide outreach activity that takes members beyond the walls of the church. seeking ways to help others. This activity fulfills the words of the scripture found in Matthew 25:40:
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, ‘Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it until one of the least my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
In 2007, five delegates from First Baptist attended the Lott Carey Missionary Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, and received instructions on both organizing and hosting an Operation Inasmuch project. Two events are conducted each year, with one during the Spring and the other in the Fall.
What We Do
In the Spring, we go out into the community with all auxiliaries being asked to develop a project which takes them out into the community. Examples of past projects include providing snacks to first responders, delivering bags of snacks to the homeless, visiting nursing homes with singing and interviewing the elderly, supporting the Ronald McDonald House, supplying “wish list” items to the SECU Hospitality House, taking potted plants to the residents of the Holland Homes, adopting widows to provide in-home services, clean-up of the gravesites of Dr. David R. Hedgley and others in a neglected cemetery, and much more.
In the Fall, the community comes to us. The church sponsors a large giveaway of winter clothing and household items in our parking lot. At the same time, the Annie Alexander Health Fair is held in the Fellowship Hall with a blood drive and health screenings, along with a blanket giveaway and a hot lunch in the Family Life Center.