This page serves as reflections on the events and activities in the life of First Baptist Church in 2019.
Woodworking Exhibit by Ronald Fulton (October 7, 2019)
Our own Ronald Fulton has an exhibit of his woodworking currently on display at the Paddison Memorial Branch Library in Kernersville!
Our Senior Ministry visited the exhibit last week, and we hope that you’ll do the same!

65th Annual Lott Carey Youth Missions Seminar (June 22-29, 2019)
Compiled by Dr. Tandeka Boko, Youth and Children’s Ministry

On Saturday, June 22, nine youths, two chaperones, one driver and one other very supportive Youth Ministry adult, eagerly headed down the road to the week-long 2019 65th Annual Lott Carey Youth Missions Seminar held at Fayetteville State University. The anointing of God was great upon the youth and adult leaders during this time of fellowship and growth, as we all learned to Emerge as leaders in the Kingdom of God. Thank you to all First Baptist Family and Friends for the many ways in which you support us! Please enjoy viewing the photos and messages from this year’s participants.
Yours in service, Tandeka Boko, Youth Ministry Chair
Kamryn Ross: “The best part of my experience at Lott Carey were the sermons. They spoke on things my generation could relate to and how to stay on the path God chose for me.”

Daizha Rattley: “Good Morning Church, I am Daizha Rattley, and I had the privilege to attend Lott Carey 2019 Youth Missions Seminar. First, I would like to thank Rev. Ford, Dr. Boko, Dr. Warren, Rev. Pettiford, Mr. Garry Williams, Mr. Ronald Williams and all of the church Ministries who made it possible for all of us to go to Lott Carey! Thank you for everything you do. It is greatly appreciated! Now, today, I wanted to share my experience at Lott Carey and the impact/influence it had on me.
This was my first year ever going to Lott Carey and I can honestly say that it was the most amazing trip and experience ever! The theme this year was to “emerge.” Emerge means to be brave, become a leader, have integrity and be the best person God has made you to be. Lott Carey does just that! It allows you to show your talent/gifts: whether that’s being in the choir, dancing, acting, or just being kind to others. It helps you express yourself, develop friendships/relationships with others, and the biggest thing that Lott Carey does is it helps you embark on a spiritual and uplifting path towards GOD and your faith.
One thing I will never forget about Lott Carey is that it taught me to forgive others. Pastor Manny Arango spoke about the pain and hatred we have towards other people in our lives, and how, instead of looking at the hardships and obstacles that hurt us, we should look at different outcomes: what the hardships and obstacles taught us. He said that these principles in life are what made us who we are and we shouldn’t exchange that for the world.
Another thing that will live with me forever are the 3 Ps: Prison, Power and Past. Pastor Vernon spoke about this. He said that the 3 Ps are the hills you’re going to have to walk upon to reach your spiritual awakening. Prison stands for the trials and tribulations you’ll face. Once you finish prison, you reach power, which is the blessing God gives you. And last, but not least, is past, which is you reflecting on your journey through Christ. Lott Carey is an outstanding trip that changed me for the better. I’m glad I was granted the opportunity! Thank you!”

Ronald Williams: “Lott Carey has been a phenomenal experience for me. I greatly enjoyed the conference in previous years and was excited to hear of its new leadership with Pastor Vernon of the Life Church in Richmond, Virginia. The 65th Lott Carey Youth Conference was a wonderful opportunity to positively impact not only the 23 countries Lott Carey already services but our own neighbors of Fayetteville, NC and even Flint, Michigan. I thank GOD for this opportunity to grow in faith and ministry as we experienced the chance to EMERGE into the light of leadership. I got to serve as a chaperone to 9 First Baptist Church Youth and as Family Group Leader to 25 or more 17 year-olds who attended Lott Carey from more than 10 different states in the US. The conference was such a blessing to me that I am now exploring the possibilities of ministry as a calling. I thank GOD for First Baptist Church and the opportunity to participate in the 65th Lott Carey Youth Conference.”

Congratulations to Mae Timmons Moore, Ms. North Carolina Senior America! (May 27, 2019)

We would like to congratulate our own Mae Timmons Moore, who
Read more about Ms. Moore at this link, courtesy of The Pilot of Southern Pines!
James F. Wertz Oratorical Contest (March 16, 2019)
Compiled by Dr. Tandeka Boko, Youth and Children’s Ministry

On March 16, 2019, Jaylen Crawford represented First Baptist Church in the Senior Division of the Rowan Baptist Association District Level James F. Wertz Oratorical Contest, with his speech entitled “Envisioning an Exceptional Future through Discipleship.” His inspiring speech won first place and earned him the opportunity of representing the Rowan Association at the State Level on June 25th in Wilmington, NC at the Congress of Christian Education Auxiliary of the General Baptist State Convention of NC, Inc. On that evening, Jaylen gave it his all and brought the audience to tears again as he warmed their hearts with his inspiring words. Though Jaylen did not place in this competition, he was truly blessed, and truly a blessing to all in attendance. Enjoy the photos and Jaylen’s experience, in his own words, below.
“During my time at the oratorical contest I was able to listen to testimonies by my fellow youth in North Carolina. There were 5 of us in the senior division and we all spoke about envisioning the future exceptionally as we send disciples in Christ. There were many powerful testimonies and the other 4 contestants did amazing. I spoke about my Aunt and her journey with cancer. My family came all the way down to Wilmington to support me, including my mother, who I didn’t expect to come. Although I didn’t win anything, many people came up to me and said I touched them in a way the others didn’t, and that’s all that matters to me. If I positively impacted someone then I feel that is a win in my eyes.”

Dr. Virginia K. Newell Recognized! (February 8, 2019)
The Chronicle recognized our longtime member, Dr. Virginia K. Newell, in this week’s issue! We’re grateful for her service and legacy in our community!
To see Reflections from 2018, please click here.
To see current Reflections, please click here.