Church Calendar Ministry
- Coordinator: Alma Peay
The purpose of the Calendar Ministry is to set dates and plan for our traditional church-wide celebrations.
Deacons Ministry
- President: Charlie Wall
Deaconess Ministry
- Chairperson: Deaconess Alma M. Peay
- Vice Chairperson: Deaconess Sirena H. Leak
Flower Ministry
- Directors: Sherlane Hill and Marilyn Hanner
Greeters Ministry
Health and Wellness Ministry
- Coordinators: Cynthia Gerald and Sherri Murrell
The mission of the First Baptist Church Health and Wellness Ministry is:
- To empower members/people;
- To improve the health of its congregation and community;
- To promote the physical, mental and spiritual health of the congregation and community by giving total glory to God.
Meeting information: The Ministry meets every three months on the fourth Sunday, immediately following morning service.
Kids for Christ
- President: Rod Warren
Lay Ministry of Caregivers
- Coordinator: Carmen Wigfall
- Vice Coordinator: Valinda Turner
The Ministry was formed to maintain the bond of fellowship between our shut-ins and the church.
Meeting Information: The Caregivers’ meetings are held on the second Monday of each month (except July and August).
For more about the Lay Caregivers Ministry, please click here.
Men’s Ministry
- President: Linwood Jerald
Political ACtion Committee
- Chairperson: Dr. Gloria Kirby-Green
Mission Statement (Purpose): The mission of the Political Awareness Committee (PAC) is to encourage persons to become more aware of issues in the various local, state and federal elections, and to monitor the promises of candidates by hosting candidate forums. The PAC encourages citizens to register and vote, and become an active part of the process.
We strive to ‘Get Out the Vote’ (GOTV), set up displays during elections for the congregants and constituents to be informed, assist with transportation to the polls and voter registration in the community and neighborhoods around us, to include Change of Address forms if needed. The PAC goes door-to-door to members of our community with ‘door hangers’ and we fulfill absentee ballot requests.
The PAC is campaigning to stop the photo identification requirements as it unjustly effects the disenfranchised. We will provide sample ballots to the congregants and constituents and provide lists of and printed materials from the candidates of all parties (Democratic and Republican).
Senior Adult Ministry
- Chairperson: Cassandra Tatum
- Co-Chairperson: Edith Bailey
The Senior Adult Ministry seeks to increase the quality of life for senior adults (55+) through service, recreation, and activities pertinent to the needs of senior adults.
Meeting Information: The Senior Adult Ministry meets on the first Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center.
Sunday School
- Superintendent: Charlie Wall
Trustee Ministry
- Chairperson: Brenda Hodge
- Vice Chairperson: Barbara Doster
Usher ministry
- President: Leonard Hairston
Ushers make members and visitors feel comfortable and welcomed to church services. They assist the pastor and promote worship through their courtesy and attentiveness.
- Male ushers serve on the first and third Sundays.
- Women usher on the fourth and fifth Sundays.
- Youth ushers serve on the second Sunday.
Meeting Information: The Usher Ministry meets on the first Saturday of every month at 10:00 a.m. in the Smith Chapel, with vacation in July and August. We welcome new members!
Women’s Ministry
- Coordinator: Wyrine Dorris
The Women’s Ministry was established in 1997 as a teaching and prayer ministry, and over the years has held spiritual retreats, studied books, sponsored discussions covering numerous health issues, participated in exercise programs, hosted Women’s conferences and spiritual development sessions. The ministry has provided many opportunities for women to explore, confront, learn, and celebrate them as being an integral part of the body of Christ.
The Women’s Ministry continues to host monthly meetings exploring topics pertinent to women’s physical and spiritual well-being.
Meeting Information: The Women’s Ministry meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the JC White Lounge when a program is planned.
Worship and Arts Ministry
- Director of Music: Dr. David Allen
For more about the Worship and Arts Ministry, please click here.
Youth and Children’s Ministry
- Co-Chair: Jamie Lee Peay
- Co-Chair: Valinda Turner
- Youth Co-Chair: Aalayah Kimbrough
Our mission is to provide Christian educational language, activities and other opportunities that allow God’s adults to reach, teach and communicate with God’s youth.
Meeting Information: The Youth and Children’s Ministry meets on the first Sunday in February, May, August, and November after Sunday morning worship in JC White Lounge.
For more about the Youth and Children’s Ministry, please click here.